Sunday 7 May 2017

Main Task (final edit)

Here is my Main Task final edit - enjoy!

Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For question 1, I have done a directors commentary in which I speak about forms and conventions of real thriller media products that I have used.

Question 2 - How does your media product present particular social groups?

For question 2, I scripted a mock interview with the star of our production Verity Harding-Roberts, we spoke about the social groups represented in my opening.

Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your product?

For this question I did a Prezi presentation in which I explain that we have chosen 4film to distribute our film. In the Prezi I have embedded the poster I previously put on my blog.

Question 4 - Who would the audience be for your product?

For this question I did a vlog and some audience research to see if my decision for my target audience was correct. Everyone who I asked seemed to want to see the film which means that the target was a success! Below is the video:

Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

In this video for question 5 I will be explaining the different ways that we attracted and addressed our audience in our opening sequence. 

Question 6 - What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For question 6, I did a PowerPoint explaining all the different technologies I learnt about whilst making my Main Task.

Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in progression from it to full?

For question 7, my group and I had a discussion about how much progression we have made from our Preliminary Task to our Main Task.

Friday 5 May 2017

Mapping out the opening sequence

I thought that I would map out our opening sequence to show how Verity moves through each location. I got screenshots for this from Google Maps. 

This is where she starts in the church and wakes up at the alter and then follows the arrow down the church.

She then goes out of the church door and follows the road round through the grave yard which is captured by the cctv camera.

Verity is next seen running down this long road in the next bit of the sequence towards the camera. 

She then follows the road round again until she gets to the woods. 

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Music added to our main sequence!

As a group we decided that we needed to give our opening scene some music over the top so that we could hide the sudden change from Verity to Finlay. We downloaded it from a website called epidemic sound. The fits perfectly with our opening sequence and creates the sustained tension that we wanted to portray!

You can listen to the song here :